If you ask 10 different people to define the year that’s coming to an end tomorrow, you’ll get 10 different answers. Same if you ask […]
Software-as-a-service, known as SaaS, is a $157 billion market, according to recent reports. With the increase of remote work due to the pandemic, the SaaS […]
This year threw the workforce for a major loop, as millions of people exchanged office cubicles for their own sofas and kitchen tables. And while […]
Six months into the new Coronavirus pandemic and we still have no clue when this crisis is going to end. Medical experts like Dr. Lisa […]
Social media has become one of the most powerful tools to connect with customers in this century. Human behavior has changed when it comes to […]
We can all agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything in the way we live, socialize, interact, communicate, and work. With a majority of […]
We�ve been talking a lot about working from home during this climate of uncertainty and the challenges it brings. And we’ve analyzed the efforts we�re […]
There�s no doubt that COVID-19 has changed every aspect of our lives over a very short period of time. We had to adapt to all […]
Some time ago, I wrote a short guide on how to growthhack Twitter to work for your startup. Two summers and a pandemic later, I’m […]
The Coronavirus pandemic has forever altered the workplace. Not only did unemployment skyrocket to 14.4 percent in April, but those with jobs have significantly adjusted […]
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, millions of people have transitioned to telecommuting. For some, working from home feels like newfound freedom. There�s no […]
More than a decade ago, open floor plans were heralded as the future of workplace design. The drab walls and cubicles that conjured images from […]
The Coronavirus pandemic has in a very short period of time profoundly impacted our lives, changing the very way we live, work, and socialize. These […]